
Security Policy Development

Frame Your Organization's Security with Clear and Tailored Policies

Information security largely depends on well-defined rules and best practices. Cyberswat assists you in creating security policies tailored to the needs of your organization. Whether it’s for resource usage, telework security management, or developing an information security policy, our simple and understandable templates ensure a strong commitment to security. These policies apply to all stakeholders in your organization and are designed to evolve according to your specific needs

The 3 Types of Policies Offered by Cyberswat:

Information Security Policy

An information security policy is a document that governs an organization’s IT security. It is simple, easy to understand, and represents a commitment from management to security. It typically applies to all stakeholders (employees, managers, board members, suppliers, partners, and subcontractors)

IT Resource Usage Policy

In today’s digital age, the way your employees and partners use your technological resources can make or break your organization’s reputation and security. Our IT resource usage policy template is specifically designed to ensure that every user of your infrastructure is guided, informed, and prepared for responsible and secure usage.

Work from Home Policy

Teleworking offers flexibility to employees and benefits organizations, but it poses security challenges. Employees access company resources outside the secured perimeter.

A secure telework policy governs these practices, engaging both management and employees to adhere to security rules. It sets guiding principles and defines the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders.

Although general, this policy can be supplemented by specific directives according to the organization’s context.

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